Perimeter Fencing for Railways: Keeping your Security on Tracks

Railways are the lifelines of modern transportation, with busy rail corridors worldwide supporting countless functions and moving parts. Between busy passenger transit and the constant movement of freight goods, system integrity is the glue that holds it all together in maintaining order and efficiency. Aside from a dynamic and proactive team, a key aspect of this integrity is the presence of robust perimeter fencing for railways to protect what you don’t have internal control of. 

As railway operators and transport authorities, your role in ensuring the safety of passengers and staff, protecting critical infrastructure, and preventing disruptions is crucial. Railway networks’ interconnectedness, with their intricate crossovers and dependencies, is a testament to the complexity and importance of your work. This also makes you particularly vulnerable to security breaches. Even a minor disruption can result in significant delays and operational chaos. 

Perimeter fencing for railways and custom barrier additions are essential to mitigate these risks, providing a secure barrier that helps maintain the optimal function of this critical infrastructure. In this article, Cochrane Global, a trusted name in securing the world’s busiest railways and rail corridors, delves into the importance of perimeter fencing for railways, addressing various safety and security concerns while presenting innovative solutions to ensure harmony on the tracks.


Passenger and Public Safety

Railways are bustling hubs of activity from dawn to dusk, where passenger safety is of utmost importance. With high-speed trains, electrified tracks, and complex signalling systems, the rail environment poses numerous hazards to the public. Perimeter fencing is crucial in safeguarding passengers through permanent intrusion prevention measures to tracks and other dangerous areas. High-security fencing does its civil duty by helping to avoid accidents and injuries and protecting the public from the constant dangers of railway operations. By creating clear boundaries and demarcation of rail and public property, boundary fencing also helps manage the flow of passengers, enhancing overall safety at stations and along rail lines.


The Role of Perimeter Fencing for Railways in Protecting Communications Networks

Rail infrastructure relies heavily on sophisticated communications networks for signalling and operational coordination, comparable to major telecom networks. These systems include signal controls, data transmission lines, and communication hubs crucial for trains’ safe and efficient operation. Any unlikely disruptions to these networks, whether through vandalism, theft, or accidental damage, can lead to significant delays and operational chaos. Scalable perimeter protection is vital in protecting these networks by creating a physical barrier that deters unauthorised access and potential tampering. 

The installation or upgrade to high-security fencing that matches local threat levels ensures that critical infrastructure remains intact and operational, thereby maintaining the reliability and efficiency of railway operations. By safeguarding these essential communications components, perimeter fencing plays a critical, ongoing role in preventing disruptions and ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of both local and national railway systems.


Transport and Storage of Hazardous Materials and High-Value Goods 

Railways often transport dry and wet bulk cargo, including hazardous materials and high-value goods, requiring stringent compliance and security measures. Regulatory risks and the potential for accidents make robust perimeter fencing essential to protect these assets, both for the owners and the general public. Perimeter Fencing for Railways and additional barrier enhancements help secure storage areas and transport routes, minimising the risk of theft, tampering, or accidental exposure to hazardous materials. By safeguarding these areas, in conjunction with physical patrols and inspections, railway operators can comply with regulations and ensure the safe transport and storage of valuable and dangerous goods. In our recent article on fencing for ports and cargo terminals, you can read more about the importance of top-tier physical perimeter barriers in this key trade facility.


The importance of elevated Perimeter Fencing for Railways in Prevention of Suicide Risk 

Suicide prevention has sadly become a significant and growing concern for railway operators, particularly in Europe and North America. Installing the right perimeter infrastructure, which prevents physical access to fast-moving locomotives, can help deter individuals from accessing tracks and other dangerous areas. High-security fencing, combined with surveillance and intervention strategies, can significantly reduce the risk of suicide on railway properties. Ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals is a critical responsibility that can be addressed through effective perimeter security measures. 


In response to this sensitive potential situation, Cochrane Global has developed ClearVu Curve, an angled and strengthened fencing solution designed to reduce the number of suicide attempts and provide valuable time for interventions. In our recent article on fencing for bridges, you can read more about the importance of elevated fencing in upholding public safety and security while safeguarding society’s most vulnerable.


Maintaining Systems Integrity in Rail Infrastructure

The integrity of railway systems is crucial for preventing disruptions and maintaining efficient operations. In a rail context, systems integrity ensures that all components and moving parts work together to provide reliable and timely transport services. When one system element is compromised, it can lead to serious failures and, inevitably, significant delays. For example, a disabled signal can back up the entire schedule, while a train derailment becomes extremely difficult to clear promptly. High-security fences play a key and understated role in protecting critical components of the railway system, ensuring that they remain as operational and secure as possible. 


Once again, by deterring unauthorised access, vandalism, and sabotage, custom perimeter fencing for railways mitigates risks that can compromise system integrity. In effect, perimeter security, both externally and within the station property, can prevent trespassers from tampering with signalling equipment or obstructing tracks, which could result in severe disruptions. By safeguarding these elements, operators can maintain their services’ overall integrity and reliability, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted railway operations.


Cochrane Global: Your Chief Conductor in Railway Security

Cochrane Global is a leader in providing tailored security solutions for the rail and transport industry, with extensive experience in securing a wide range of industries. Our expertise and proven experience extend beyond railways, including manufacturing facilities, critical infrastructure, airport perimeter security, and military and defence installations. This diverse experience allows us to understand each sector’s unique security challenges and develop customised security products that meet specific needs.


We offer various innovative products to enhance perimeter security and prevent unauthorised access. Our signature ClearVu Invisible Wall is renowned for its high security and aesthetic appeal, providing a virtually transparent fencing barrier that doesn’t compromise visibility or design. ClearVu Reinforced offers the highest standards of strength and durability available on the market, making it ideal for high-risk areas of rail infrastructure that require maximum protection.


Our Smart Coil system is an advanced barbed-wire solution integrating physical barriers with additional electronic detection, offering real-time monitoring and response capabilities. Furthermore, our patented anti-climb fencing solutions, such as our Castle Spike and Shark Tooth designs, are specifically engineered to deter intruders, making it extremely difficult to scale an existing fence.


Cochrane Global’s ongoing commitment to innovation and quality has made us a trusted partner for security solutions across multiple industries worldwide. Our tailored approach to each project, from risk advisory to final manufacturing and fabrication, ensures that each client receives the best protection for their specific needs and risk profile.


Avoid Derailing your Rail Security Strategy – Contact Us Today


Ensure the safety and integrity of your entire railway operations. Contact Cochrane Global’s team today to assess and upgrade your security plan with innovative and scalable perimeter fencing for railways and additional physical security solutions. View our range of Products or call us for more information on how we can help protect your rail infrastructure and keep your platforms working full steam ahead.

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